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Pronunciation and Phonology Test 

SST is a norm-based test developed to evaluate the differential diagnosis of speech disorders by performing standardization, validity and reliability studies on a representative sample group of 2-8 year old children. The test is a measurement tool designed as a result of many years of experience of those who created the test to be used for screening, differential diagnosis and evaluation and therapy for speech (organic and functional articulation) disorders, delayed phonological development, coherent phonological disorders and inconsistent phonological disorders. The overall aim of the SST is to assess speech production in children by measuring the pronunciation and phonological competence of phonemes in structured and natural settings (during conversational spontaneous speech). SST consists of three separate scales.

1) Pronunciation Subtest

2) Auditory Discrimination

3) Phonological Analysis Subtest

References: Turkish Pronunciation-Photophony Test: Validity-Reliability and Standardization Study, Prof.Dr.Seyhun Topbaş

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